» Focus and Scope

The International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development (IJARD) is an International Journal designed to provide information in the areas of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics. The main aim is to disseminate information resulting from the research experience of Scientists working in all the fields agriculture including Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, Animal Sciences, Fishery Management, Agronomy, Forestry and Wildlife resources, Soil Science, Biotechnology, Agricultural Engineering and Food Processing. The School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Federal University fo Technology, Owerri, Nigeria publishes the Journal. The International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development is published twice every year in June and December. The activities of the Journal come under the guidance of an Editorial Team with an Editorial Advisory Committee of renowned Scientists from within and outside the School.


» Peer Review Process

All manuscripts received for publication in the Journal are subjected to peer-review. Even when papers have been published in the Journal, the responsibility over the information provided lies with the author(s). Contributors of articles published in the Journal are however deemed to have transferred the copyright of the materials to the Publishers.


» Publication Frequency

The International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development is published twice every year in June and December


» Editorial Board

Editor-in Chief - Prof. E.U.Onweremadu
Deputy Editor-in-Chief - Prof. I.J. Ogokeu

Associate Editors

-        Prof. B.O. Esonu
-        Prof. (Mrs.) N.N. Oti
-        Prof. M.A.C.A. Odii

Assistant Editors

-        Prof. E.B.Etuk
-        Prof.I.C.Okoli

» Editorial Advisers

Prof. E.T. Eshett: Pedology
Prof. M.U. Iloeje: Animal Breeding/Genetics
Prof. J.E. Njoku: Agricultural Economics
Prof. M.I. Nwufo: Plant Pathology
Prof. C.C. Asiabaka Agricultural Extension
Prof. G.E. Osuji: Soil Science
Prof. A.B.I. Udedibie: Animal Nutrition